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" Love Tuofeng, Labor Glorious" Autumn Labor Party has successfully come to an end
The same piece of iron, can be saw and melt wear and tear, can also be tempered into steel; The same team, can be commonplace or better career. In order to improve the team collaboration and promote the sense of ownership of company employees, let the staff in working life had more substantial. In the general manager put forward with "Love Tuofeng, Labor Glorious" for the theme, our company hold an Autumn Labor Party's on the afternoon of September 23, 2011. Activity is divided into three parts: General cleaning of factory, interactive games, barbecue/Cara OK.
Through the activity, colleagues could enhanced the creation of excellent team spirit and learn more much in the practice, can be changed in experiential learning, the staff have been identified the company was the family and love their jobs and the family and established a sense of ownership.
By the activity, we beautified the environment of our factory and increased the feelings between colleagues and enhanced the collective sense of honor of the team.

General Manager brandished a knife and weeded
The collective strength
General Manager issued a "Glorious Labor Award"
The tug-of-war competition, ready to go
Make every effort to achieve a final victory
Shooting competition
Kicking shuttlecocks competition
Barbecue, Cara OK Party
" Love Tuofeng, Labor Glorious"
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