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Beijing Tuofeng Technology Development Co., Ltd is affiliated with China Machine Technology Development Foundation. Since the year of founding, in order to be in conformity with the needs of the modernization drive and meet the demands of mechanical industry development, we have done excellent job at the transformation of technological achievements into usable products, especially in the field of energy saving, environmental protection and water treatment.
In order to meet the increasing number of needs of energy-saving and emission-cutting among many manufactures, now Tuofeng sincerely invites you to join us.  

If you have close business relationship with manufacturing companies;

If you have rich collaborative experience with major designing institutes;

If you have a willingness to corporate with Tuofeng, we invites you to join us.

We can provide well-developed products and technical training;

We can introduce more flexible collaborative models;

We can share client's information and achieve a win-win situation.

If you are interested in our business, please feel free to consult.


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Copyright 1997-2009 Beijing Tuofeng Technology Development Co.,Ltd