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Our participation on the inaugural meeting of PCCE
As Member of PCCE, Tuofeng participated the inaugural meeting of The Professional Committee of Circular Economy(PCCE)of China Association of Environmental Protection Industry on November 6th 2008.

The Organizing Committee invited President of China Association of Environmental Protection Industry Xinfang Wang, Deputy Director of the department of science and technology of Ministry of Environmental Protection Shufan Xu, section chief of cyclic economy section of Development and Reform Commission Qimin Guo, representatives of Environmental Protection Industry and representatives from relevant companies. National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Administration of Taxation delivered their best wishes as well.

The member of Advisory committee for state environmental protection Youhai Sun delivered a speech, named " interpretation of The Impel Circular Economy Law ". He explained the legal foundation of Impel Circular Economy Law and its application. Deputy director of center for studies on China's circular economy and environment Chunping Yang delivered a speech named "the development of circular economy and establishment of two-oriented society". He elaborated the relationship between circular economy and society structure and highlighted the significance of resource-saving and environment-friendly society in current global events. Member of National Political Consultative Conference population resources and environment committee Kai Zhang delivered a speech named "Cognition of circular economy connotations" and analyzed the core of China's circular economy.

Tuofeng gained many valuable information on the meeting. Tuofeng believed that our Strong Oxidization and Irradiation Water Treatment Process would bring increasing number of benefit to Environmental protection industry.
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